Saturday, August 28, 2010
Posted by Johnson Family at 1:55 PM 10 comments
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Brenden Whitney Johnson
Posted by Johnson Family at 3:11 PM 14 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Hello Again!!!
Whit is still working full-time at ADB. He is also in the MBA program and with a little pressure from me has decided to finish this coming December by taking an extra class each semester. He stays very busy and we don't see him much, but as Whit said there is now a light at the end of the tunnel. He has gotten into raquetball and is taking part in a tournament this weekend with the Leavitt Group. He and Ethan have become quite close just recently. It may be due to the fact that Whit is rarely home, but Ethan sure loves his daddy.
I am back in school as well. I have decided to get a masters in nursing and become a Nurse Practitioner. I will find out this June if I am accepted into the program at UNLV (it is online so we won't be moving anytime soon). I have been loving the past couple of days with the weather being so nice. It is refreshing to finally be able to go outside and not freeze.
Ethan is growing like a weed. He will be 2 in two weeks. I can not believe how fast time flies. His little personality is really begining to shine through, and with every new thing he does it reminds me how much like Whit he really is. He not only looks like him, but acts like him in everyway. We bought him big boy underwear for his birthday, I am just debating when I should attempt potty training. I think he will be excited about the underwear because they are Thomas the train, Ethan loves trains, but I don't think he will be thrilled about the potty part. We shall see.
Baby #2--Yes we are expecting a second!!! This is not an unexpected baby, for those of you who know me best I plan and when an idea hits me it is all or nothing and ASAP. (school is another example). Baby #2 will be arriving August 21st--or there abouts. :) Whit and I hope it is a boy so that Ethan can have a brother, but if it is a girl we will love her just as much. The exciting part is that we are not going to find out until we are holding our new little one in our arms!!!!
That is it in a nutshell, hopefully it will not take another 6 months for me to post again, but you never know:)
Posted by Johnson Family at 12:11 PM 21 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Summer Games Triathlon
I have always thought it would be so cool if I did a triathlon or ran a marathon, call me crazy. My neighbor apparently had the same thought. Two crazy minds think alike!!! So we decided to do the Summer Games Tri. We had four weeks to train!!! To bad I don't have any pictures of us killing ourselves training, but I do have some really good ones of the tri at Sand Hollow.
This was two weeks before the tri, we went to Sand Hollow to practice an "open water" swim. It made me kind of nervous for the real thing because the water was cold and took my breath away. I thought I was going to sink to the bottom.

The best cheer squad in the world!!!

Posted by Johnson Family at 9:21 PM 17 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
More Randomness!!!
More random pictures of my cute boy!!!

My blue eyed angel
This is Ethan hanging out with our neighbor Carson!!! I think Carson is telling Ethan their get-away plan.

Posted by Johnson Family at 10:55 AM 4 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Tight places, Bananas, and Milk

Posted by Johnson Family at 9:09 PM 2 comments

Posted by Johnson Family at 12:24 PM 0 comments